“It may be true that the law cannot make a man love me, but it can stop him from lynching me, and I think that’s pretty important.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
LegalParley is for all you law enthusiasts out there (or those who just like to keep themselves updated). I am Prerana Saraf, a lawyer who likes to pen her thoughts down on certain topics. LegalParley aims to be a forum that diffuses legal awareness by discussing (parleying) on various socio-legal issues. It is because I strongly believe that it is important to spread legal consciousness among people in order to build an empowered nation.
So drop by LegalParley to assimilate information on current socio-legal topics, conjure up ideas and suggestions and be kind enough to share them here, so we can build a brighter future. After all, no issue can be better understood and solved without discussion and debate.

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