What is Sedition? “Graver the offence, greater should be the care taken so that the liberty of a citizen is not lightly interfered with.” – Supreme Court In order to understand the meaning of sedition, one needs to look into Section 124A of the Indian Penal Code, 1860. It states “Whoever, by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or…
Is committing suicide a crime? Suicide is man’s way of telling God, ‘You can’t fire me, I quit’ – Bill Maher Many of us have experienced a momentary weakness of mental strength. At times, driving us to give up on our lives. The dark cloud of sorrow comes crashing into one’s life when you least expect it. Such circumstances make us feel despondent enough to disregard the…
Demolition Drive undertaken by BBMP: ‘Desperate times call for desperate measures.’ – Obert Skye So, you have been hankering to provide shelter to your family by having a house of your own. You finally track down one little pretty home that meets all your requirements. Next, you hire a lawyer to peruse all the documents and on getting a favorable opinion since the documents look intact,…
Brief on Cauvery Dispute as of now: On September 6, 2016, Supreme Court ordered Karnataka to release 15,000 cusecs of water for 10 days. However, Karnataka is facing almost 40% deficit in the water stored in the dams. The water available is just enough to meet the drinking water requirements in Bangalore, Mysore and surrounding cities. Very small amount of this water is being allocated to…
Green Building is the need of the hour! Buildings are being constructed expeditiously in India and with the passage of Bills such as Karnataka Urban Development (Amendment) Bill that cuts down the lung space even more, it is important for us to undertake sustainable measures in order to use renewable energy, reduce emission of gas and for overall sustainable development. Karnataka Urban Development (Amendment) Bill,…
Introduction to Transgenders: ‘Nature chooses who will be transgenders, individuals don’t choose it’ – Mercedes Ruehl Gender of a person is usually assigned to them at birth. However, a small set of people incorporate traits of both male and female physiology. While some people have the means to undergo sex change operation, there are others who cannot. This perception of being a gender that is opposite…
New Anti-Human Trafficking Bill passed by Maneka Gandhi, Women and Child Development Minister ‘Slavery still happening today in the form of Human Trafficking’ India has finally unveiled first ever-comprehensive anti-human trafficking law bill on 30th May, 2016. The Bill is titled Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2016. The Minister of Women and Child Development, Maneka Gandhi spoke on the occasion stating that…
Self Defence: ‘When a man is penalised for honesty, he learns to lie.’ – Criss Jami, Salome Times of India report on expansion of scope of right to self defence: On June 16, 2016, Times of India had a front page headline stating that Supreme Court has expanded the scope of right to self defence. According to the report, the division bench comprising of Justices…
Garbage and Infrastructural issues keep Bengaluru away from Smart City tag In a short span of time, Bengaluru city has come to be known as ‘Garbage City’ from ‘Garden City.’ Neither did the government nor did the citizens give much thought to the deteriorating waste management in the city that has been defacing not just its grandeur but also people’s health. Apart from this, Bengaluru…
Cash for Votes instances have called for an amendment in the Representation of People’s Act, 1951 (RPA) “If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it.” – Mark Twain Cash for Votes Row in Karnataka Proving Mark Twain right, a recent sting operation shows Karnataka MLAs demanding crores of rupees to support a member in the Rajya Sabha election to be held on…